Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lying Liar Lies

Disgusting. It's a lie. Everyone knows she lied and is a lying liar. Some of the quotes are choice, such as:
"I don't mind, I guess, being sort of a sacrifice to help others as long as I can share my experience in a positive way." Yes, dragging people's names through the mud with a vicious lie is quite a sacrifice and it is definitely an experience to be shared with others.

"God has given me the grace and the courage to stand up. ... I'm a real person. I have feelings. I'm not just an ex-dancer. I'm not just someone who tried to frame someone who is innocent of sexual assault. My only intentions were for justice, and I wanted justice for myself." No he didn't. Yes you are. No they weren't and no you didn't.

"I have no comments about the details of the case," she said, adding later, "There's no point in going into that, because the trial will never happen. So what's the point? I just don't see the point." I think the point is that you're writing a book slandering people after your story has been completely discredited.

Hopefully, she'll be sued and never see a dime.

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