Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ryan Avent on Urban Development

In another life I'd probably have gone down the path of urban planning. It's a fascinating topic for many reasons, not the least of which is the extraordinary impact that urban design and development have on our every day lives. I've also been intrigued by what distinguishes "successful" cities from those dying on the vine. I think it started for me as a result of living in Milwaukee from grade school through high school. Milwaukee could very easily have gone the way of Detroit. It still has its shortcomings, including the openly corrupt city council and public sector unions, but it has also reinvented itself in many ways and attracted people to live there. I just got back from Milwaukee and it was negative one million degrees there, so it's not faint praise to say "we actually got people to want to live here."

Anyway, here is a great, great post by Ryan Avent responding to a piece in the American Prospect on urban development (which is also worth reading). I don't agree with all of his writing, or even much of it, since he would like to centrally plan pretty much everything. However, this is worth reading.

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