Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday links

A Stone Age Subculture Takes Shape in the US. From Der Speigel, about the folks who are going back to the caveman diet. One thing I think such people ignore is how bad it must have sucked to be a caveman.

Torture Lawyers on Trial (from The Nation). I don't consider them to be a particularly credible news source, but I think the legal ramifications of whether a government lawyer can be disciplined or prosecuted (not to mention whether they can be prosecuted in a foreign court) for developing a legal strategy are pretty important.

The Fable of Market Meritocracy. It seems to offend some people that the market rewards people they believe lack "merit". I would think those people would be cheered by the fact that you can be an idiot in the overall sense and still get rich.

The 5 Most Notorious Recalls of All Time.

The case against banning the word "retard." I don't understand the idea that we should not use certain words because people have taken the original meaning and turned into a term of derision. That seems backwards. I mean I get that using the N-word or dropping random F-bombs is frowned upon, but those are intended to offend.

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