Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

The myth of CPR

NYT article on gender imbalances on college campuses and the impact on dating. My BS detector went off a bit reading this. Favorite quote is from a Ms. Jayne Dallas who is a senior and offers the following: "Out of that 40 percent, there are maybe 20 percent that we would consider, and out of those 20, 10 have girlfriends, so all the girls are fighting over that other 10 percent”. Nice math skills.

Ryanair and the shafting of your customers as a reputational strategy.

America's dismal record ending wars

I'm taking the Colts.

1 comment:

diana dare said...

That mathy quote from Jayne in the NYT totally made me twitch. Everyone was getting riled up about other stuff while I just sat there plaintively whispering, "but...but..that makes no sense."