Friday, March 26, 2010


Every time I think our press corps could not suck any harder than they already do, they write something like this.

Sprint's new HTC Evo, it's first Wimax phone.

Ezra Klein on the menu labeling provision in the health care reform bill. Since most of this info is already available if you ask, I,m not a huge fan of micro-managing how restaurants have to display this.

Fascinating online dating statistics.

Indian military weaponizes world's hottest chili. I actually heard an interview on NPR yesterday with the owner of a burger joint in San Antonio that serves a burger with these chiles. He said that customers have to sign a waiver, that they have had to call EMS a few times, and that the cooks have to use gloves when preparing and that they have had to clear the restaurant a few times when they have been left on the grill too long.

The business model of Somali pirates. I love stuff like this.

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