Thursday, March 25, 2010


That doesn't exactly inspire confidence. No case citations in Florida health care lawsuit.

Picture of Russian Blackjack Bombers Over Scotland.

Take the DSM-V Disorder Quiz.

The Great Baseball Card Bubble
. I was a huge baseball card collector. I went to the shows, built sets, order rookie cards in packs of 100. I LOVED baseball. Growing up in Wisconsin, my brothers would challenge me to games in the dead of winter and it was three feet of snow. My first job was as a paperboy and it was, by far, the best job I ever had. I made like $800 a month as an 8th grader and I think I spent about 90% of it on baseball cards.

Texas first out of the recession. I'm sure it's just an accident.

I don't know if this is serious, but it made me laugh out loud. Is the new tanning tax racist?

Hmmm....More Foreclosures, Please.

1 comment:

Tamerlane said...

I'm told the lack of citations doesn't really mean anything. So, I'm dumb.