Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday AM Blogging

Private equity jumps into the health care arena. Here is one blogger's take.

Obama plan to rescue homeowners. I have huge problems with this approach, and I'll let Keith Hennessey tell you why. "Imagine twin brothers, each with $180K of annual income. One rents, and the other has a $700,000 mortgage on a home that declined from $800,000 in value to $600,000 in value. Both brothers lose their jobs. Why should the renter pay higher taxes to subsidize his brother’s mortgage payments?"

Why women don't want macho men. Interesting article in the WSJ on evoultionary psychology and some recent studies. "After crunching the data—including the women's facial preferences, their country of origin and that country's national health index—the Face Lab researchers proved something remarkable. They could predict how masculine a woman likes her men based on her nation's World Health Organization statistics for mortality rates, life expectancy and the impact of communicable disease."

Good graph showing how the health care bill is being financed. By the way, I mean that the graph itself is good. The actual financing of the bill is a joke.

Mexican police chief decapitated by cartel. I'm sure if we just keep doing what we've been doing that this will stop eventually, right?

Religious stampedes kill the most people. "Over the past 30 years, stampedes have killed at least 7,000 people and injured another 14,000. That's the conclusion that Edbert Hsu (Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions) and colleagues reached after a painstaking trawl of news reports in the world's English-language media."

Ha...this is pretty cool, especially if you shop on Amazon as often as I do. (via The Agitator).

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