Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Blogging

Internet Math

A Guide to Eastern European Ancestral Squabbles from The Economist. This is actually really helpful as this is a tough area of the world to keep straight (at least it is for me).

Gizmodo's Essential iPad apps. Still deciding whether to get one. My netbook battery went kaput and I'm looking at using that as an excuse to buy one.

NBER says the recession is over.

So Tyler Cowen, the gentleman who runs Marginal Revolution, did a post calling for other bloggers to list the top ten most books that were the most most influential to them. The result was some very cool responses from some of the best econ bloggers out there. But I thought Scott Sumner's response was the best.

Exit poll data from November 2008 from the NYT. I read about it generally, but the data here is kind of fun to go through. Points I thought were interesting:

1) the drop off in Republican voters in the Northeast which R's won regularly for years.
2) Did not know R's were that strong with the college graduate crowd. D's being popular with the post-grad crowd makes some sense.
3) Apparently, white Protestants don't like Democrats.
4) Suburbs are 49% of the electorate!

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