Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Morning links

Robert Reich says more immigration is the solution to the entitlement problem. Mark Thoma then explains why that is totally wrong.

What Massachusetts can teach us about health care reform. "State politicians are responding to the cost crisis the only way they know how: by promising to impose arbitrary caps on premiums and price controls for medical services."

Broke Cities. "Jagadeesh Gokhale, economist with the Cato Institute, noted in that story that officially Greece’s debt is 113 percent of its total annual economic output. But if its pension obligations were included, Greece’s debt would be 875 percent of output. Bad, huh? Yes. But the comparable ratio for France would be 549 percent and Germany 418 percent. The United States? About 500 percent, says Gokhale, who includes Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security obligations in his figures."

The best of Skymall. I had a laughing fit on a plane earlier this year while thinking about the pet observation dome.

Take the most talentless band in the world, sprinkle in a life changing event like having a child, combine with the failure of public education in America and you get....the Best. Song. Ever.

How does Eleanor Clift still have a column? Does somebody actually pay her to write this crap?

Toward an Index of the 9-11 Commission Report.

1 comment:

Diana Dare said...

And "how do they work?" rhymes with "dirt". Magical, miraculous dirt.