Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday Morning links

I bought a tuxedo this week! I've been meaning to for some time, but finally pulled the trigger because I've got a number of black-tie events to go in the near future. On to it.

"For every doctor, there are five people performing health care administrative support." Misleading, but the overall charge is correct.

The charge against Goldman.

"Crime prediction software." Run.

Poor little liberal law students, they have no one to look up to. This is hard to read without vomiting. I've got two words for the author, Robert Bork. Liberals should never, ever complain about the judicial nomination process as they are its originators.

Norman Ornstein of AEI defends Obama against the charge that he is a socialist. I don't think Obama is a radical, but I do believe that he is, like most of the Democrats in Congress, a European-style socialist. He believes in free-ish markets as long as they have final say and progressive tax rates to operate the American version of the modern welfare state. That he is willing to compromise on legislation means he is pragmatic, but it doesn'tmean that that his beliefs are not socialistic.

My mostest favoritest player, Kevin Durant, wins the scoring title. I'm sure King James will win the MVP, but KD has to get some MVP love for leading the Thunder to a 50 win season and the playoffs in a stacked Western Conference. I mean, look at the roster.

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